Ready to Sew - James pattern review + upcycled project

Hey Everyone

This week I challenged myself to upcycling my first pair of curtains.  I took a trip into Bath and rummaged around as many charity shops as possible and came across these beautiful curtains in The Shaw Trust and thought the pattern was totes amazeballs :)

After I'd got home, I scratched my head a little thinking what on earth I could make out of a pair of heavy curtains! I put a call out on The Foldline's Facebook group and my Instagram and got some fantastic suggestions and inspo pictures. The majority suggested a Tilly and The Buttons Cleo or the Sew Over It Elsie skirt, basically the general consensus seemed to be skirts and dresses.

I was still unsure and a little scared about what to make with the heavyweight curtains, so I headed over to the pattern ideas I'd saved in my handy-dandy bookmark tab on my laptop and after reading the fabric requirements (canvas, gabardine, denim) I thought the Ready to Sew #jamesreadytosew Fisherman's Smock was the ticket!

I downloaded the PDF pattern straight from Ready to Sews website, it was super simple, nothing complicated and very convenient - just what I like.

I traced off the pattern pieces rather than cutting into the PDF, so that I can hack the pattern if I want to in the future.

The instructions were really clear and very easy to follow. The French to English translations were very thorough and accurate as far as I could tell being a grammar dummy!

The only area that I struggled with, was understanding how to sew the bias binding on the hem. Ready to Sew offer a free sew along on their website, which is great for anyone that gets stuck, however I still found it confusing with the pictures provided! Eventually I go there....phew

Ta-da, the finished garment!! I love this pattern, it's right up my street and I'd defo make another. I'm still a little unsure about the fabric...what do you think?

Mol x
