Moving forward with courage

What would you do if you weren't afraid?

Something many of us struggle with and perhaps don't do anything about for a very long time or ever!

If I wasn't afraid I would host my own workshops.

If like me, you meet yourself with comments like 'I'm not good enough' , 'I'm not artistic' , 'Who would pay for that?' etc etc and are conversely saying to yourself  'Just bloody do it, what's the worst that could happen?' always hovering on the edge but too afraid to jump. It's time to move forward with courage and tackle these fears head-on. I mean seriously what is the worst that could happen? I grow, learn, face tricky situations but become stronger and more courageous for it. Or I can do nothing and stagnate, ignore my intuition and continue to be scared.

I've set myself a goal to independently host a handful of workshops before Christmas and I want you to hold me accountable.
